relating to Skyline West Incredibly beautiful views, nearly year-round weather, and easy access to top-notch outdoor activity are all things that make Bend famous. The Skyline West neighbourhood is located on the northwest side of Bend and makes use of all of that. The Upper Shevlin Park paved paths, Mt. Bachelor's leisure opportunities, and the surrounding forests are all just a short drive away for residents of this town. Not to mention that the rest of the town is easily accessible for residents of the community. Aspects of the community The ideal blend of easy access and serene elegance is found at Skyline West. You may easily spend the day visiting neighbouring parks and trails from the town's Northwest side, or you can go to Downtown Bend or the Old Mill.
Est St, 15931 NW Hosmer Lane Portland , O...
Est St, 126 N Rossmore Ave, Los Angeles,CA...